Advanced Robotics Workshop

Course Description

Advanced Robotics Workshop

Advanced Robotics course is designed to take learners from beginner to advanced skill in Robotics.

Learners will start with designing and debugging electronics circuit, work with various electronics components and will learn Arduino programming, Open CV and work with Arduino uno, ESP-32 CAM, many sensors, motors and motor drivers. Students will be building projects like video surveillance, face detection, Bluetooth controller robot etc. 

This course requires students to have basic knowledge of C, Python and have some prior knowledge on electronics.

    • 1. Controlling an LED using pushbutton    
      2. Transistors    
      3. Automatic street light    
      4. 555 Timer IC    
      5. Clap switch using 555    
      6. Microcontroller    
      7. Arduino UNO and Arduino IDE    
      8. Serial Communication    
      9. Data types in C    
      10. Operators in C    
      11. Blinking the built in LED    
      12. Controlling an LED using button    
      13. LCD I2C interfacing    
      14.IR sensor interfacing with arduino    
      15. PIR sensor(motion sensor) based burglar alarm    
      16. Distance measurement using Ultrasonic sensor:    
      17. Controlling a DC Motor    
      18. Controlling two motor speed using motor driver    
      19. Line follower robot    
      20. Obstacle Avoider Robot using ultrasonic sensor    
      21. ESP32 Cam Module    
      22. Board specifications    
      23. Camera specifications    
      24. Computer Vision    
      25. OpenCV    
      26. Reading and displaying an image with OpenCV    
      27. Rotating an image    
      28. Video streaming onto computer    
      29. Haar Cascades    
      30. Adaboost Training    
      31. Implementing Cascading Classifiers    
      32. Human detection and evasion    
      33. Controlling LED with bluetooth    
      34. MIT app inventor files


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