Django Full Stack Summer Camp

Course Description

Django Full Stack Summer Camp

Want to bag your dream job? Want to work for top tech companies in the world. Want a dream career?

If yes then join this Python Full Stack Developers course and realize your dream in 3-6 months timeframe.

Python full stack web developer is a high demand skill in the industry. Doing this program not only prepares you to crack those tough interviews but will also give you a high flying career as a web developer with strong tech skills.

This program is conducted by industry experts who have vast experience in tech industry and have built hundreds of system and deployed them in their career. They have been on interview panels of MNCs and know what skills company look at when during the selection process.

    • Curriculum

      • Development Environment Setup

      Web Designing

      • HTML5

      • CSS3

      • Use HTML to create website content

      • Use CSS to create beautifully styled sites


      • Javascript basics

      • Javascript object model 

      • JSON

      • Animation - JS & CSS

      • Build an interactive web page using Javascript


      • jQuery

      • Document Object Model

      • Learn how to use jQuery to quickly work with the DOM • AJAX


      • Learn how to take advantage of Bootstrap to quickly style sites • Understand HTTP requests

      • Create fantastic landing pages

      CLI & Git

      Python Programming

      • Datatype - Primitive & Complex • Control Flow

      • Function

      • Build a command line game

      Advanced Python

      • OOP

      • Regular Expression

      • Modules & Packages

      • Decorators, name & main

      • Use OOP to build a game

      Django Framework

      • Django Basics

      • Django Templates • Django Form

      Django Admin

      • Django Model

      • Django Admin View

      • Django Admin Customisation

      • Working with Virtual Environment

      • Create your personal website to showcase your skills and blog


      • RDBMS fundamentals • SQLite

      • PostgreSQL

      • MySQL

      Django Advanced Topics

      • ORM

      • CBVs

      • Build CRUD feature using CBVs

      • Using AJAX with Django

      • Handlebars

      • Use AJAX & Handlebars to create rich user interface • User Authentication

      • Debug Toolbar

      • Enhance your personal website with user CBVs & Use Authentication

      Django Deployment

      • AJAX & Django

      • Create a fully functional web site using the Full-Stack with Django • Deployment

      • Go Live