Robot Electronics + Scratch Game Dev

Course Description

Robot Electronics + Scratch Game Dev

Summer Camp Details [2 Weeks (Mon - Fri)]

  • Get started with Robotics and Coding in this fun-filled summer camp where you will build twenty exciting projects and get deep understading into electronics that goes into robot making.
  • Designed for absolute beginners in technology learning, this camp is the perfect place for you to kickstart your tech learning and get ahead of the game.
  • With no more than 5 students in a batch, every student will get personal attention and support from the instructors highly effective and engaging learning.
  • Complete hands-on experience with 20 interesting projects.
  • Compete in RoboHacks 2023, robotics competition, and be recognised as tech star.

20+ Hours of Learning

This summer camp spans over 20 hours of in-person learning at our centers, and is designed to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of the subject. Every student will get their own takeaway kit and Electronics for Young Robot builders book to have deep understanding of electronics in robotics. As an added bonus, students will also have access to digital content on the Roboprenr platform, which will enable them to continue their learning journey beyond the classroom. The platform includes a wealth of resources, such as course materials, numerous assignments, quizzes, and other activities, that students can use to reinforce their understanding and achieve self-mastery of the topics covered in the camp.

Offline Camp

This camp will take place offline at Roboprenr Advanced Learning Center in HSR Layout Bangalore, providing a valuable break from screen time, and allowing students to fully engage with the curriculum and benefit from the immersive experience. This course is also available as online for distant learners.

Learning Material

All the material required for learning i.e. kit, computer, tools will be provided in the center. Kit and the book will be for students to take home who can engage in deeper learning at home with the book Electronics For Young Robot Builders that explains all the concepts required to make the 20 projects.


Certificate will be issued after the completion of course and submission of the capstone project video by the student.

    • Week 1 - Robot Electronics

      Day 1. Fundamentals of Robotics

      • Concepts of voltage, current, resistance
      • LED Basics, glowing an LED, series connection, parallel connection

      Day 2. Switches & Potentiometer

      • Controlling an LED using push button and Reset switch
      • Variable resistor (potentiometer), Controlling brightness of an LED

      Day 3. Multimeter & Motor

      • Measuring voltage, resistance, current, continuity test
      • Motor fundamentals, running a motor

      Day 4. Sensors and its applications

      • IR sensor fundamentals and making Burglar Alarm
      • LDR sensor fundamentals and making Automatic Street Light 

      Day 5. Limit Switch & Two Way Switch

      • Door opening detection, smart home and capstone project

      Week 2 - Scratch Game Development

      Day 6. Introduction & Basic Games

      • Fly a Bird - Coordinate System, Fly a Bird, Go to Function, Switch Costume function, Repeat loop, Move steps function, Wait, Backdrop
      • Maze Game - Multiple Sprites, Size setting, Forever Loop, If - then, If - Else, Sensing Functions, Sounds, Broadcasting Messages
      • Hide and Seek Game - Modification Operator, Increasing Hardness level of the Game, Countdown
      • Assignment 1: Car racing Game

      Day 7. Space Invaders

      • Painting new Sprites, Sprite Clones, Creating a Menu, Clickable Buttons, Random Function, Variables, Scoring system, Show and Hide, Operators, Player health
      • Assignment 2: Ball Catcher

      Day 8. Dino Game

      • Moving Background, Using Gravity
      • Assignment 3: Witch Shooter

      Day 9. Snake Game

      • Game over Screen
      • Retry Button
      • Assignment 4: Mobile supported game: Shoot and Burst

      Day 10. Flappy Bird Game & Fruit Ninja

      • Animations and colour effects
      • Assignment - Capstone Project